For example, for the first time you need the services of a prostitute. How to build the first communication and what actions to take? We are happy to help all visitors of our site.
In general, there are no accurate rules of communication. The conversation is based on trust between people. Any your wishes will be accepted. However, following some tips, you can achieve general satisfaction, as well as meet again and again for intimate pleasures.
1. Remember that any whore is a person. Therefore, it is necessary to communicate with her as with any familiar girl and build a manner of conversation as in a friendly conversation. Behave yourself at the meeting as naturally and naturally as possible. You came for sex without obligations, so for pleasure.
2. Call girl is in fact the same private entrepreneur. The girl invests the money earned by sex in investments: appearance, health and payment of apartments where she is ready to meet you.
3. Girls provide services of various kinds: from the usual classic sex to extreme, so all the subtleties better to negotiate on the phone before the meeting. Particular attention should be paid to the personal data of the ladies, they specify in detail the list of services to which they are ready to go with the client. This will minimize the risk of embarrassing situations in person, as well as help determine the female companion for the next evening.
4. If during the meeting you decide to relax with alcohol, then behave with restraint, not aggressive; do not provoke conflicts, so as not to regret the deed. Nobody forbids you to drink, but at the same time remember about self-control and behavior.
Observing these simple recommendations in dealing with prostitutes, you can get bright, unforgettable emotions, and your leisure time will be one of the best moments in life!