Porn and computer entertainments

Interestingly, there is a significant gender gap among young people (18-30 years) who admit to a complete lack of sexual life.

Porn and computer entertainments

In this age group, 28% of men and only 18% of women reported that they had no sexual partners in the last year.

As famous American psychologist and family physician Leonard sax, author of several books on the psychology of gender relations wrote in «Twitter», such a gap is not surprising: young men are much more likely than women to watch pornography and are addicted to video games.

«Young men are now more LIKELY to admit to NOT having SEX in the last year than young women. Most likely, among the reasons for this is a greater preference for computer games and pornography. Young men tell me that both video games and porn are much better today than they were 20 years ago.»

Professor Twenge generally agrees with this explanation: «Today people have a lot more options than they do at 10 PM than 20 years ago: streaming services, social networks, computer games, and much more.»
