In popular culture, Millennials (born after 1981) are portrayed as the most sexually active social group. However, the latest survey data refute this view.
Experts believe that the main reason for this is that Americans are now generally slower to become adult, later come into adulthood, move out of their parents, have their own family and children.
«More and more people between the ages of 20 and 30 do not have a partner living with them, – quotes the Washington Post professor of psychology at the University of San Diego Jane Twenge. – It is clear that in such conditions and sex at them is less».
«When you live with your parents, it's probably harder to bring a sex partner into your bedroom», she adds.
It is not surprising that in the next age group this figure falls significantly. Among Americans aged 30 to 40 years about the lack of sex last year said only 7% of respondents.
In the age group of 40 to 50 years, such persons were slightly more 9%; at the age of 50 to 60 years – 13%.
Among older Americans – between the ages of 60 and above – any sexual life continues on average every second person. However, over the past 20 years, their share of the total population has increased by almost one and a half.