The man, who for the first time decided to use services of prostitutes, faces a large number of offers at the most different prices. It is quite difficult to understand the criteria by which the price is determined. I want to be satisfied with the leisure time spent, but do not overpay the extra money. This article will help to determine the general structure of the services of prostitutes and their prices.
Prostitutes up to 2000 rubles per hour
Two thousand an hour is the lowest limit on the price of a prostitute. Services are either beginners or already quite mature girls. They do not provide additional services, it is necessary to be content with classical sex in perhaps not the most comfortable conditions. However you will not be leaved dissatisfied.
Prostitutes up to 3000 rubles per hour
The skills of girls at this price are already better than those who take for their services cheaper. And it looks nicer. It is considered budget option, so any special abilities wait still not worth. There are small light additions such as massage, deep blowjob without condom, etc., but for an additional fee.
Prostitutes up to 4000 rubles per hour
This is the golden mean for men who want the best value for money. There are already possible departures for bachelor parties, where each participant will receive his share of pleasant attention, regardless of the queue. If you want to come to visit you will find a nice apartment, renovated, light music, a large bed. A pleasant massage after the execution of all your requirements will be made at a decent level.