American scientists have made an interesting discovery based on a new study conducted at the University of Arkansas. More than 500 students aged 18 to 29 took part in the study. The study was conducted by a group of sexologists, and the object of study was pornography, or rather its impact on human sexual life.
As a result of a number of surveys, both by means of questionnaires and by means of interviews with experts, scientists managed to collect enough information for the analysis. Almost all participants of the experiment confirmed the fact that at least once in their lives watched porn movies. At the same time, those who watch them at least twice a week, and those who watch them occasionally were in equal parts. At the same time, those who had a permanent relationship with the opposite sex watched adult films on average 30% less than those who did not have them.
The main thing that scientists tried to establish is the influence of porn on sexual life. It turned out that those who are «addicted» to this kind of content are much less likely to experience pleasure in the process of sexual intercourse.
Such a pattern scientists explained those, that «lovers» porn form its attitude to sex mainly on the basis seen. Modern pornography, according to scientists, does not differ in content, it is very monotonous and every modern commercial film is shot according to a rolled script. At the same time, scientists believe, pornography has ceased to perform its main task, which experts attributed to it the last two or three decades.
It is worth recalling that for a long time in sexology there was an opinion that in general adult films may be useful both for sex education and as a source of «diversity». However, recent studies show that the abundance and monotony of content reduces these certainly useful qualities of adult cinema to nothing.